Amvale Scotland supported vaccination and medical resilience efforts at the NHS Louisa Jordan field hospital erected at the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow.

As a versatile medical services provider and the contracted provider to the SEC, we were the ideal choice to work with the NHS on ensuring staff and patients could be kept safe at the NHS Louisa Jordan hospital which was setup at the Scottish Event Campus.
Our expertise and reputation for large scale event medical delivery and patient transport secured us a contract to provide first aid and paramedic cover at the site and we were delighted to be able to do our part contributing to COVID-19 recovery and resilience.
Do you have a requirement for first aid or paramedic cover? Call us today on 0800 695 1111 to discuss your needs.
From First Aiders to Ambulances with Paramedics and on-site hospital facilities with Doctors and Nurses, the Amvale Scotland team can adapt to the needs of your medical cover requirement. With vast experience in the events industry, our team are accustomed to working with risk assessments and in a complete range of environments.
What can Amvale supply?
HCPC Registered Paramedics
Ambulance Technicians (IHCD, AAP, FREUC 5)
Blue Light Ambulances
Command & Control with MIMMS qualified Medical Managers
Advanced First Aiders (Qualified to Emergency First Responder level)
GMC Registered A&E Doctors and NMC Registered Nurses
...and if you have a medical requirement not on our list we'll likely be able to source it for you!